Thursday, August 22, 2013

Letter #23

Letter #23

Dear Jessica,
     I'm glad to hear that you found an apartment! Just make sure 
you give me your address or it will be a sad day indeed! :) How's 
your new job? Best and worst part?
     Lol, ya I'm still "mad" about the boogeyman thing, I guess I'll 
just have to deal with it. :) AND "BINIINAA" IS NOT A REASON!!!!! 
Yes, I do recall you being quite good at picking people out of a crowd. 
On a side note remind me never to play you in "Where's Waldo". :)
     Navajo- where does it hurt?- Haadi neezgai?
     -I like Alma 26 because Ammon is just praising God for everything! 
I just love it!
     -The nicest thing a friend has ever done for me is honestly spend 
time with me and show/tell me that they enjoy me being around them.
     -The gospel makes me truly happy. Seeing people's lives change is 
the greatest feeling ever.
     -Journals are important to be able to teach generations that you 
will never meet in this life.
     -Favorite church movie. I've seen them all so many times. I'll put 
one down that you didn't. "A Treasure in Heaven, The John Tanner 
Story". :)
     So because of last week I'll go easy this week. :)
-Are you going to school this semester?
-Hardest thing you've done in life?
-What is the best feeling to you?
     Until next time. Thanks for all you do! Hagonet!
               -Elder Bryson Chipman

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Letter #22

Letter #22

Dear Jessica,
     Thus I say unto you, because thou hast not sent an epistle 
unto me thou shalt be condemned unto my questions. :) 
Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Navajo just for you! shidiisxi-
"it's killing me". :) I thought you might like that for this letter.
     Homework, please :), In the "Joseph Smith, Prophet of the 
Restoration" movie Joseph and Emma have their wedding rings 
on their right hand. Could you please find out why?
     Question time! Hehehe, Yeah! :)
-If I was getting deployed, when would you want me to go?
-What state has the best flag?
-Why did you honk at me in the High School parking lot and then 
keep denying it? (You did do it, don't lie! 2 Nephi 9:34!)
-What was your favorite date/hang out of ours?
-Are you mad at me yet?
-What was your first response to the first sentence of this letter? :)
-Do you know what a dream catcher is?
-What is your favorite thing about your family, job, and life?
-Has your car been oreo'd lately ? (since I left, if so how many 
times and when. If not, WHY NOT! :) )
-What is the coolest name you have ever heard?
-Funniest story, in detail, from the past month?
-Why haven't I got a 5 page letter yet? :'( Sad day! (This one is 
a joke. ) :)
-Did you look at how many questions there were before you read 
them and the letter?
-I hope you don't mind another dating application. :) ( I guess this 
question is more of a statement. Meh all well. :) )
-Are you mad at me now?!? :)
-Favorite dictionary?
-What kind of phone do you have? Do you like it? Why?
-Favorite church movie?
-First reaction to the dating application?
-Favorite question from the dating application?
-Favorite game?
-Favorite surprise? :) :) :)
-How has your life been blessed in the past; week, month, and 
-Should I be done yet? :)
-Do you know any good riddles? If so what? And please send them 
with the answers. I'll tell you why later! :)
-How does your hand feel after writing all the answers?
     I guess a page is good for now. I hope I get a letter next week. 
:) Until next time, Hagonet!
          -Elder Bryson Chipman 
Dating application 

Letter #21

Letter #21

Dear Jessica, 
     Wow! You are a lot nicer than I am! I would've asked more 
questions in the second letter! :) I was soooo happy to hear 
that you got a new job! Especially since it's a vampire job. :) :)
     Having "missionary brain" and having to write more people 
than you is no excuse for asking questions that I have already 
asked!!! But, I guess it will have to do. :)   
     My favorite picture of Christ is of him with the child on his 
lap and him holding the butterfly. :) In five years I hope to be 
married, graduated from BYU, be a USMC Infantry Officer 
(2nd Lieutenant), and be in the Police Force (Preferably on a SWAT 
Team). If I had my dream dog it would be named...that's a good 
question......I've thought about it for like 5 minutes and 
still have no clue. Probably Tyr. :) My perfect day would be spent 
with my wife and family doing an activity that we all love. What 
color of tie do I want/need/think would be awesome? Oh, I don't 
care ;) my favorite color would be cool, but whatever. ;) Hehehehe. 
Favorite thing to eat while camping, hands down is peppered beef 
jerky! Even more than s'mores. :) Lastly, no I don't ever run out 
of questions! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :)
My Turn!!!
-What has influenced your life the most in the past year? How?
-What is your favorite quote? Why?
-If you had 6 kids what would their names be, gender, and age 
order? :)
-Favorite color of sticky note? :) :)
Homework Time.
     If you would be willing, please send me a picture of a constellation. 
Meaning, if you could create a constellation, what would it look like? 
Please include a title. :) I guess I will let that be all for now. :)
      Navajo: sodizin- prayer
     Until next time. Have a be-awesomely fantastic week! Hagonet!

           -Elder Bryson Chipman

Friday, August 9, 2013

Letter #20

Letter #20

Dear Jessica,
     I really enjoy hearing about your life. I'm so glad you 
enjoy being a "vampire". :) Trust me your life is not boring 
to me. And there are 6 females mentioned in the Book of 
Mormon: Abish, Sarah, Sariah, Mary, Eve, &...Isabell. :)
     My favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon is Alma 26. 
But because you didn't ask why we'll leave it at that. :) 
What do I cherish? The Gospel. My life right now is complete. 
Because I'm serving the Lord I am happy. :) What do I yearn 
for? Now, for the people I teach to accept the gospel. Favorite 
tradition as a family, Christmas morning. My dad gets up and 
makes "mountain man breakfast" then we spend the day as 
a family. Love, is what makes a house a home. 
     I'm surprised you gave mercy with the questions. I wouldn't! 
     For your information, my dad is now engaged. Just thought 
you might want to know. :)
     Navajo lesson- dikos- cough. :) Just for you and your medically
minded self. :)
2 years. True I didn't get/steal your number until last year but 
still. :) I'm still so mad that you found out! It was gonna be 
AWESOME! No, no it was gonna be BE-AWESOME! But you just 
had to spoil it didn't you. :P :) I'm glad our friendship means a 
lot to you. It means a lot to me too. :D
Don't forget the back :) :) :)
It's my favorite part! :)
Question Time!!!
-How important are journals to you? Why?
-List your favorite from most to least. Ring, earring, necklace.
-What has been the hardest question I have asked?
-Favorite color of sticky note?
-Watch the October Conference from 2009. I'm in there. Find me.
:) :) hehehe
-Favorite 3 colors of jewelry? :)
-Favorite church video? Why?
-What do you think of when I write, cars chasing? :)
     I hope you have a fantastic week! Until next time, Hagonet!

          -Elder Bryson Chipman